TERA Online Bot Released

TERA Online is a newly released MMO game similar to many others you have played before. This game was released May 1, 2012 and was first released in South Korea. In TERA Online you will find many similar features to other popular MMO games such as questing, crafting, pvp and grinding and also the endless struggle of gold farming. Instead of the normal currency of gold, TERA online uses a currency called “Chronoscrolls”.

Bots for TERA Online

If you are a fan of MMO games, then you know how long it takes to get to end game content. If you are one to hate the endless grinding of currency and leveling, then you should consider using the new TERA Online Bot that has recently been released.

Bots are used to automate game play in a MMO game. These bots are created because there are tasks in these games that require hundreds of hours of play time and most people don’t have this kind of spare time to be dedicating to a game. This is where bots come in and save us that time, while still getting the results in the game they desire.

Setting up a bot is very simple. You will have to download the TERA Bot program and then load the program and change the settings to your liking. After the bot is all ready to do what you desire, simply press start and your TERA character will get to work for you. Anytime you want to play your character, turn the bot off and you are free to control your character again.

Register to get started today


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